Boudoir Photography In South Carolina
When I opened my Jessica Hunt Photography boudoir studio in Columbia, South Carolina, I knew that I wanted to be inclusive to every story and body that stepped in front of my lens. The amount of things I’ve learned from people about their relationship with their body that have stepped into my studio is truly inspiring. People always feel this love hate relationship with their bodies, and finding out how incredible and uplifted they feel after their boudoir experience really makes me feel some type of way. Today, I want to share Becca’s experience with her body and her boudoir experience with her boudoir photography in South Carolina. Shall we?
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In Becca’s Own Words
I’ve on and off gone through a love-hate relationship with my body. Most of my confidence, or lack of confidence, stems from the fact that I identify as an athlete. I grew up playing several sports, and I was known for being athletic. The first time I stopped working out consistently was the year I studied abroad in London, and I put on a significant amount of weight. Once I realized that, I hard core crash dieted to get back to my original weight. I would binge eat and then spend hours doing cardio – DO NOT RECOMMEND.
When I got back is actually when I started learning more about nutrition and then got my masters in it and became a dietitian. Up until recently my relationship with my body was great. But then COVID hit, a started a side hustle, and I put on weight again. Recently, I’ve been struggling to appreciate my bigger body, and a lot of that comes from the fact that I don’t feel I ‘look athletic’.
Becca’s Self Love Journey
I think that true body acceptance and self love are something we all strive to achieve, but can often leave us feeling like we’ll never get there. It’s important to remember we all have good + bad days, we all have days we like our bodies more or less, but the important thing is changing how we react to those thoughts and make sure to treat our bodies with love and respect no matter what our mind is telling us. Honestly I’m on the lower end at the moment. I’ve recently gained about 20 lbs and I’m struggling to accept it. I chose to get some boudoir photography in South Carolina done because I wanted to show myself that my body is beautiful at any size and that ultimately it’s the confidence and mindset that make me feel good in my body.
Becca’s Boudoir Photography Experience
I loved my boudoir photography session in South Carolina!!! I loved how encouraging Jessica Hunt was and how confident and comfortable she made me feel. Before, I was definitely a tad nervous when I was preparing for the boudoir session, but excited. Jessica made me feel so comfortable and confident during the shoot though, and I left feeling empowered! I still have good and bad days, but these boudoir photos are a great reminder that more than anything my mindset and confidence is what matters most. They are also a reminder to me that how you look is mostly in your head. We can often be so critical of ourselves, and most other people don’t notice the things that we do! These photos allowed me to see myself through someone else’s eyes
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Boudoir Photography In South Carolina
Learning anyone’s journey with their own self-love journey when they step into my boudoir studio is almost refreshing. It is such a real feeling of not always being super body positive. But every human to come to my studio all shares the same feelings and is learning to accept their beauty and how powerful their body really is. It really is an honor to always capture stunning humans and being able to share their stories with their bodies and boudoir experience. If you happen to be looking for a reason to love yourself even more and give yourself a gift or self-love through boudoir images, you have come to the right studio, friends. Cheers!
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